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I have been granted FULL legal aid :)

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Env. 20 message 71270 Pierre De Bresse
Sorry english first, i have been granted total and full legal aid to sue a certain builder (geoxia group) for failing to actaully get anything right!! from internal doors to external windows, house placement, roof, everything!!!!!

And now as soon as the notaires pass the house to me (my mother died waiting on them EVER doing anything) 6 months now since last letter to them and NF france etc etc no replies. And now its mine..... I sould say their problem, because they are going to get hell, and are going there I hope i'm not one to give up or walk away they will suffer, they will lose.

L'anglais désolé d'abord, on m'a accordé l'assistance judiciaire totale et pleine pour poursuivre un certain constructeur (groupe de geoxia) pour que n'obtienne pas actaully n'importe quoi droit ! ! des portes internes aux fenêtres externes, placement de maison, toit, tout !!!!! Et maintenant dès que les notaires me passeront la maison ma attente morte par mère sur eux faisant JAMAIS n'importe quoi) 6 mois maintenant depuis la dernière lettre à eux et à NF France etc.. etc.. aucunes réponses. Et maintenant sa mine..... Le sould I indiquent leur problème, parce qu'elles vont obtenir l'enfer, et vont là espoir de I je ne suis pas un à donner vers le haut ou ne marche pas loin elles souffrirai, ils perdront.
life comes life goes, the problems never seem to though :(
Messages : Env. 20
De : 71270 Pierre De Bresse
Ancienneté : + de 19 ans
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Env. 20 message 71270 Pierre De Bresse
amakou a écrit:C'est la traduction en français par logiciel Sherlock (sous le MAC)

i use wanadoo translation

très désolé si le texte ne lit pas très bien, ses tous que je peux faire : (
life comes life goes, the problems never seem to though :(
Messages : Env. 20
De : 71270 Pierre De Bresse
Ancienneté : + de 19 ans
Nouvel Aviseur Env. 1000 message Nantes (44)
well ok you just said you got problem has I understood it's your mother house, she passed away and now you inherit it , right ?

I don't really see in what you wrote what's the matter, the built house isn't right according to the drawing ? Is there real bad behavior in the building itself regarging rules and how it should had been done ?

Simply what do you need from us ?

btw: some here do care ans speaks a little english ;)
Picto recompense Nouvel Aviseur
Messages : Env. 1000
De : Nantes (44)
Ancienneté : + de 20 ans
Membre ultra utile Env. 20000 message Bordeaux Bacalan (33)
Jedge37 a écrit:well ok you just said you got problem has I understood it's your mother house, she passed away and now you inherit it , right ?

I don't really see in what you wrote what's the matter, the built house isn't right according to the drawing ? Is there real bad behavior in the building itself regarging rules and how it should had been done ?

Simply what do you need from us ?

btw: some here do care ans speaks a little english ;)

Laugh What do you means jedge? You've made some mistakes or is it my eyes ? Rolleyes

71.. what do you want ?

some explainations ?
C’est plus facile d'être belle de la fesse que de la face !
Picto recompense Membre ultra utile
Messages : Env. 20000
De : Bordeaux Bacalan (33)
Ancienneté : + de 19 ans
Env. 20 message 71270 Pierre De Bresse
Well I dont ask anything from you, only perhaps to tell you I will take a certain builder soon to court. I want to keep people informed of this 'builders' conduct.

Yes EVERYTHING is wrong with the house. A meeting over 7 months ago to finish the house with builders and still almost nothing is done and NO contact :(

From a permit even 'I' could understand they got the entire house wrong. But for over a year dont ask for more money!!!! Do you think they know they have made a mess and .................... well, if they go to court they will lose. I am making this personal, they made my mother so sad. NF france dont even reply to letters or emails. I know my french is dreadful, but in England these people would be closed down by law.

Le puits I ne demandent rien de vous, seulement peut-être vous me dire prendra un certain constructeur bientôt pour aller au devant. Je veux tenir des personnes au courant de cette 'conduite des constructeurs. Oui TOUT est erroné avec la maison. Une réunion plus d'il y a 7 mois pour finir la maison avec des constructeurs et presque rien est toujours
done and NO contact :( fait et AUCUN contact : ( D'une laiss même 'I 'pourrait comprendre qu'ils ont obtenu le mal entier de maison. Mais pendant plus d'une année ne demandez pas plus d'argent ! ! ! ! Vous les pensez savez qu'ils ont fait un désordre et.................... bien, s'ils vont aller au devant ils perdront. Je fais ce personnel, fait et AUCUN contact : ( ils ont rendu ma mère si triste. NF France ne répondent pas même aux lettres ou aux email. Je sais que mon Français est redoutable, mais en Angleterre ces personnes seraient fermées par loi.
life comes life goes, the problems never seem to though :(
Messages : Env. 20
De : 71270 Pierre De Bresse
Ancienneté : + de 19 ans
Env. 20 message 71270 Pierre De Bresse
i thank you all who reply in english, but i am sorry if my on-line translator is rubbish in french. very sorry

ps those who replied in english, bravo thanx

je vous remercie tout qui répondent en anglais, mais je suis désolé si mon traducteur en ligne est des déchets en français. très désolé picoseconde ceux qui ont répondu en anglais, bravo thanx
life comes life goes, the problems never seem to though :(
Messages : Env. 20
De : 71270 Pierre De Bresse
Ancienneté : + de 19 ans
Photographe pro Env. 9000 message Ouest Lyon (69)
71 a écrit:... I know my french is dreadful, but in England these people would be closed down by law.


It is logical, but we are in France,
the country of Gallic and with mentality quite Latin,
and much of situation are not easily explainable
French people are in general much less pragmatic than English people...
Picto recompense Photographe pro
Messages : Env. 9000
De : Ouest Lyon (69)
Ancienneté : + de 19 ans
Nouvel Aviseur Env. 1000 message Nantes (44)
in france they'll might just be forced to finish, pay a little and that's it !

Biggest problem in this counry is too weak laws which doesn't stop such builder to continu.

Hope you'll get they down for good and they'll pay big money also !!!

Keep your translator at least while it's not really correct it make us laught ;).

I whish you lot of courage because it's difficult and even more when you don't speak french !

BTW have you found a good lawyer who speaks english fluently ?
Picto recompense Nouvel Aviseur
Messages : Env. 1000
De : Nantes (44)
Ancienneté : + de 20 ans
Env. 90 message
Hello 71,
I too wish you a lot of courage.
Try to set contact with AAMOI to see if they can make something for you.
Good evening to you Wink
Messages : Env. 90

Ancienneté : + de 19 ans
Membre ultra utile Env. 20000 message Bordeaux Bacalan (33)
. a écrit:Hi 71,

First of all: please don't use automatic translators, the result is very bad and not easier to understand than in english. I believe that the best way to be understoood could be to use the simpler english you can, as you know probably Frenchies are not so strong for english (especially for my part: just enough for asking a beer in a pub, I hope at least).
I understood you have big problems for obtaining response from the builder involved in the construction of your house. Probably you i'll need to onset a legal procedure, and for that you'll probably need the assistance of a lawyer. Did you have any assistance included in your personal insurance contract (eg). I believe it is the best solution for your, particularly because of the difficulty of sustaining a controversary discussion with the builder.
Perhaps you can also contact the english embassade in France, they could probably help you for reaching and issue.

Be strong
With best regards

Embassade : Embassy Sleep

just enough for asking a beer in a pub, I hope at least : For me.. It's tea Happy To have clear ideas... Laugh
C’est plus facile d'être belle de la fesse que de la face !
Picto recompense Membre ultra utile
Messages : Env. 20000
De : Bordeaux Bacalan (33)
Ancienneté : + de 19 ans
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