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When purchasing a container house, what deserves our attention is the paint film on the outside. The quality of the paint film of the container house will affect the length of its service life, so how to inspect the paint film? Let’s teach you the Light Steel Club House Supplier below.

1. Inspection of paint film color and appearance inspection
To determine the color of the paint film of a container house and its appearance, it is necessary to use the visual method to compare the color of the paint film and its appearance with standard color plates and standard samples for observation and evaluation. Before painting and construction, the color of the paint should be inspected. After the paint applied on the test panel is dried, its color should be consistent with the color specified in the design; the inspection is generally compared with the color code of the standard color card; the appearance of the paint film, Should be uniform, dense and full of luster

2. Inspection of paint film flexibility
The flexibility of the paint film of a container house is measured by bending the sample plate on shafts of different diameters and expressing it by the diameter of a smaller shaft that does not cause damage to the paint film. The flexibility of the paint film refers to the comprehensive performance of the paint film attached to the substrate after being bent, and it is related to the tensile strength, tensile strength, thickness and adhesion of the paint film.

Light Steel Private Villa

3. Determination of paint film gloss
When the surface of an object is irradiated with light, the performance of the light reflecting in the direction is gloss. The gloss of the sample is expressed as a percentage of the ratio of the amount of regular reflection light from the surface of the sample to the amount of regular reflection light from the surface of the standard sample under the same conditions at the specified incident angle.

4. Water resistance test of paint film
The water resistance of the paint film refers to the test by immersing the paint film in water or boiling water. After a specified period of time, it is expressed by the surface change phenomenon of the paint film. Water resistance refers to the performance change of the physical and chemical reactions that occur when the paint film is immersed in water. The water resistance of the paint film is an important item for testing the quality of the paint, because many paints are used in water, underground or wet conditions for a long time. If the paint film encounters water, peeling and wrinkles will occur, which indicates that the paint film has no protective properties. . Even if it is not used in water for a long time, it generates bubbles, loses gloss, discolors, etc. or the paint film can be restored to its original shape after leaving the water, but the quality of the paint film will also be affected, thereby reducing its protective performance.

5. Heat resistance inspection of paint film
The heat resistance of the paint film refers to the phenomenon of rational or surface changes after the paint film is heated in a blast oven or high-temperature furnace and reaches a specified temperature and time. All kinds of container house coatings have the temperature range of use. Too high or low temperature will affect the quality of the paint film. Especially the coatings used under high temperature conditions should be checked for heat resistance to prevent use after construction. At times, delamination, bubbling, cracking and discoloration will occur, and the protective performance of the paint film will be lost or reduced.
6. Paint film abrasion resistance inspection
The abrasion resistance of the paint film of a container house refers to the ability of the paint film to withstand abrasion, which can be measured with a paint film abrasion tester. The measurement is under the load condition, after the specified number of times of wear-resistant machine grinding, is expressed as the weight loss (g) of the paint film.
Our company also has Light Steel Private Villa on sale, welcome to contact us.

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"Hebei Weizhengheng Modular House Technology Co., Ltd"

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